The last time we were there, Grayson was only crawling, so it was MUCH harder. This time, I was smarter (took less stuff) and the kids enjoyed themselves much more.
Because we love Dora, we always ask the question, "what was your favorite part."
(when watching the tv show, and responding to Dora, my kids answer "My favorite part was WATCHING!....oh my)
So I asked...
Mommy: Grayson, what was YOUR favorite part of the Children's Museum?
Grayson: My favorite part was PAINTING!.JPG)
Caroline: My favorite part was SHOPPING!.JPG)
And being a vet..JPG)
Wouldn't you love it if YOUR vet looked away while performing surgery on your cat?.JPG)
So obviously, now you're thinking, "Michelle, what was YOUR favorite part?"
Michelle: My favorite part was when the kids got tired during storytime, so we packed up to leave....only for both kids to NOT take a nap at home. Seriously. They were worn out. We played hard. What gives?
This plan for the summer, the wear-them-out-in-the-morning-so-they-sleep-the-afternoon-away plan, is backfiring on me!